</Travel Support>

Travel Support

Travel Support is a right given to speakers and organizers of LOUCA23 activities. The information on this page is generally divided into two groups, travel support for LibreOffice and Ubuntu tracks. Please refer according to the track you choose on the LOUCA23 activity.

It should be noted that organizers through LibreOffice and Ubuntu do not guarantee 100% travel support. The allocation of support will be adjusted by the organizers. The main and most basic thing is that you have to keep proof of purchase of both lodging/hotels and transportation (trains/planes or others). For detailed information that may not be contained on this page, please contact the organizers.

We try to make the LibreOffice reimbursement process as easy and flexible as possible. LibreOffice Travel Support covers travel (transportation) and lodging costs during LOUCA23 activities.

LibreOffice uses the SPI platform to make reimbursement. You will be asked to fill out several forms and attach proof of purchase of transportation tickets and hotels. Please refer to this SPI page to get an overview of the fields you need to prepare.

Please feel free contact the organizer of the LibreOffice section (Ahmad Haris / Rania Amina) if you need assistance regarding travel support.


  • Flight booking should be arranged by speakers themselves.
  • Local team will provide reimbursement based on the proof of purchase you will submit after the event. Make sure to keep Make sure to keep relevant documents. (Such as invoices, receipts, tickets that include the info on the amount you’ve spent)


  • Accommodation should be also arranged by speakers themselves. Local team will negotiate with some hotels nearby the venue and provide contact information, So that you can book hotels for a cheap price. You may choose to book hotels recommended by the local team or find accommodation by yourself.
  • Local team will provide reimbursement based on the proof of purchase you will submit after the event. Make sure to keep Make sure to keep relevant documents. (Such as invoices, receipts, tickets that include the info on the amount you’ve spent)

Ground transportation, Visa issue fees, Meal expenses, etc.

Sorry, We do not cover those arbitrary expenses other than Flight and accommodation. It is your responsibility to cover other expenses.

If you’re an Ubuntu Member

We recommend applying for Ubuntu donations funding and get travel expenses covered through that funding. As it will be helpful to invite more overseas speakers without Ubuntu Membership or who can’t get travel grants in other ways. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-donations-funding/29.


  • For foreign speakers total up to 500 USD per person can be reimbursed for flight and accommodation. If the total expenses of your flight and hotels exceeds the limit, We’ll only reimburse 500 USD. If the total amount is less than maximum reimbursement amount, then we’ll be able to cover your all expenses on flight and hotels.
  • For local speakers, reimbursement is up to 80% of your travel and accommodation expenses.
  • Reimbursement will be processed after the event. Make sure to keep proof of purchase for your expenses then when local team ask you to submit for reimbursement, You will be submitting your proof of purchase and beneficiary information (such as your bank account information)

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